Year: 2024

Homo-polar motor.

For the past few weeks my class has been doing some science activity. This week I have been with fi. We made a homo polar motor.

My goal was to make it spin.

We needed an AA battery, copper wire, and neodymium magnets we needed up to (3-4) of them.

  • To make it spin we had to connect the magnets to the battery then we had to cut the copper wire about 10-15 center meters long after that we could bend the wire and make it our own shape I couldn’t do it so I just joined another group.
  • when we have finished that we got given a sheet of paper.
  • We  had to write our goal.
  • what we need and we also had five boxes to write the steps of how to make it.
  • Here is mine.
  • Goal make it spin what I need one AA battery 10-15 center meters of copper wire and 3-4 of neodymium magnets.
  • Now my steps were gather materials, and cut the wire 10-15 center meters long.
  • second step shape the wire into your own shape make sure there is a hook up the top so it go on the top of the battery.
  • third step. We con bind the magnets to the bottom of the battery.
  • And place the wire on top of the battery.
  • Make sure the hook is touching the top of the battery.
  • Step four if you have connected it properly your wire should spin.
  • If the wire is not spinning you could change the shape of the wire or make sure the hook is touching the top and the bottom of the wire is around the magnets.
  • When  the electrons travel through the wire near the magnets field, they experience a special push or shove called the Lorentz force.
    • this force acts like a tiny sideways nudge, trying to push electrons in a specific direction.
    • In a homo polar motor, the wire is usually shaped like a loop. Because the Lorenz force acts on the electrons throughout the loop, it creates a force that tries to rotate the entire loop around the center of the magnet.
    • This is like lots of tiny pushes all working together to spin the wire. I recommend that you try and make one of these it was really fun.
    • If I got to change something about this experience it would be to change the thickness of the wire change the battery’s and put a different amount of magnets under neath the battery.
    • lose in power

Ghost walk

One day I was going on a walk with my grandparents we were walking up quite a few hills. Then we started walking through a forest a few minutes later we heard someone talking we got a bit scared so we just kept walking until we heard this really weird sound and footsteps coming from behind us. After we finished walking through the forest we found dried brown grass and a weird house, we decided to explore it a bit more when my grandpa went inside he realized it was his old house before the earthquakes so he wasn’t scared to go inside until he heard a glass plate broke he thought it was just the wind coming from the windows. So he went up stairs and was looking in the bed rooms it was how he remembered it to be but the stairs were a bit old because every time he went up them or down them they would always creek that would always scare his grand daughter and her grandpa. They decided to explore the outside of the house on the front bit of the house there were some flowers ( daisy’s)  when they went out the back of the house there was a gate but it was locked so they tried to find some clues to get inside the gate but they found a piece of paper under the front mate at the front door so they went back to the gate and tried to open it and they managed to open it and found a big grave yard they went to go and see if they new anyone that was dead.the daughters grandpa found his wife’s grave and the daughter found her mum’s grave. They walked around the whole house before they left and then before they left they found this one bit of square green grass and all the rest of the grass was brown. That was said said the girl why can’t all the grass be green? Well its getting a bit late we should probably get going okay said the girl they walked back through the forest and they heard the exact same sound when they were walking there so they started walking faster when they were walking they also heard footsteps coming from behind them they got really freaked out so when they got inside they locked the door and the windows so no one got inside. Then they started hearing nocking on the windows they freaked out and they didn’t know what to do. So they decided to be brave and look out the window and they didn’t see anything so they back up stairs and as soon as they got in to the attic they hear louder nocking on the attic window so they open the window and you wouldn’t believe what they saw. IT WAS. It was a little girl that has been lost we didn’t know is she was a ghost or what so we just let her inside we got her some water and some food but she didn’t eat it and she wasn’t talking. And she wrote something on a piece of paper and said your going to DIE so they let her outside and she just stood there until they shut the door when they did she banged on the door and when they opened it there was no one there so they just ignored it and made some dinner after they finished her grandpa was washing the dishes and he hear banging on the window in front of him they thought they were going crazy so they just went to bed. And that was the end of the ghost story.


Public vs privet

On Tuesday I had to do a cyber smart activity. So we had a few texts and two sides one side was public and the other side was privet we had to put what the things we think we should set to public and put the things we think should put on privet

Action station. (Dance)

For action station I have been learning dance. We do it every week on Friday first we did hip hop 7 rings dance we also did the Australian dance heal and toe but I wasn’t there that week because I was sick so I only did the hip hop 7 rings the part I didn’t like was how it went quite fast but the bit I really did like was the first bit. 

Today for reading I had to read a story called Claudia and the machines. This is my learning😀


This term everyone got a choice to pick an action station I chose origami so did all my friends. On the first week I made a fortune-teller what iIwrote inside it was you will be rich when your older, do a cart wheel, do a hand stand, do the splits, do a bridge, get a drink of water, do a head stand, and last be not least do a front walk over. On the second week I made a box and put some notes inside it so did my friend Charlotte. H and then I also made another fortune teller and I did most of the questions on the other one. And then this week I made another box with notes.

Those are the steps to make a fortune teller.

Next time I would love to make a dog, a kangaroo or a snake because  those are all of my favorite.

I found making a fortune teller really easy to make so are boxes.

This is what I made today.

What would you like to make out of origami?

Football Game.

It was at night when the opposition kicked the ball high in the sky. Then Rolando jumps high to get the header. The spectators were cheering out loud. The time Rolando went to get the header they didn’t,t know if the ball was up or down.

It was also night time so that meant they put up bright blazing lights shining down so the players can see where there going on  the field.

The ball was white and round with black squares on it, the ball to be pumped up before the game so they could kick it.

At half time the coach told the players the score, the score was 4 to  Messi’s team and 6 to ronaldo’s team  so ronaldo’s team was winning by two points.

Now it’s time for both teams to go back on the field.

This time ronaldo’s team had to the ball to messi’s team and then both teams started running for the ball.

Someone from ronaldo’s team got the ball and scored a goal now his team had 7 points. again messi’s team had to kick it then both teams again had to run to get the ball and this time messi’s team got the ball and got a goal so now the score is 5 to 7.

the game only had 5 more minutes until the game had ended. So all of the players tried as hard as they could so they could win. *5 minutes later* The game had finished. The final score was 4/7 so ronaldo’s team won. YAY SUI.

On Thursday the 22nd of February I went to the beach for a trip it was really fun when i was learning about there equipment.

after that we played a game called beach got talent that was really fun to play. After that game we had some morning tea. Then after that we went outside to play some beach games. First we played stuck in the mud and the we played captains coming  that was really fun. After those games we saw who could make the deepest hole the  we had to cover it up and see who could make the biggest sand castle the we had lunch and then we got change and went in the water. By Harper