Football Game.

It was at night when the opposition kicked the ball high in the sky. Then Rolando jumps high to get the header. The spectators were cheering out loud. The time Rolando went to get the header they didn’t,t know if the ball was up or down.

It was also night time so that meant they put up bright blazing lights shining down so the players can see where there going on  the field.

The ball was white and round with black squares on it, the ball to be pumped up before the game so they could kick it.

At half time the coach told the players the score, the score was 4 to  Messi’s team and 6 to ronaldo’s team  so ronaldo’s team was winning by two points.

Now it’s time for both teams to go back on the field.

This time ronaldo’s team had to the ball to messi’s team and then both teams started running for the ball.

Someone from ronaldo’s team got the ball and scored a goal now his team had 7 points. again messi’s team had to kick it then both teams again had to run to get the ball and this time messi’s team got the ball and got a goal so now the score is 5 to 7.

the game only had 5 more minutes until the game had ended. So all of the players tried as hard as they could so they could win. *5 minutes later* The game had finished. The final score was 4/7 so ronaldo’s team won. YAY SUI.

One thought on “Football Game.

  1. Hi harper it charlie from nbc
    I like the way you had said who the teams were.
    I love how much you wote and that it decried what you were writing about.
    Next time you could add a photo.
    what is your favorite football team.
    From Charlie at new brighton catholic school

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