Cybersmart challengers

This week we had to learn how to reply in a blog comment.

The first activity was someone commented on someone eases blog we had three arrow and we had to put each arrow the each thing they said if they asked a question we would have to put an arrow there.

so yea it was fun.

I worked by myself for this

VR Experience

On Thursday the 3rd of august Kathy’s literacy group did a vr experience we had to put on some black and white goggles when we put on the googles we saw a lot of fish and other sea creatures.


my favorite part was when we were near the volcano and the smoke was coming out and there were a few animals near the Volcano.


We learn’t that we can’t throw rubbish in the ocean or other wise more and more fish are going to die and we can’t over fish or when other people want to go fishing there won’t we a lot of fish left.


I recommend you try it because it was really fun and you could move your head around and you could stand up but we didn’t because we didn’t want to get hurt because we might bump into each other.


i would probably rate it an 8/10 because you couldn’t stand up 


The people that tough  us were very famous one of them were famous for surfing and the other one

just liked walking on the beach.












world ocean day.


Please read my comic strip. People need to act now.

The ocean is dying that’s why we have a World Ocean Day

Did you know that there are 5.25 trillion micro pieces of plastic in our ocean. If we keep throwing away plastic then there will be more fish than plastic in the ocean. The sea is three quarters of the world so if we destroy it, many creatures will not have a home. 

If people keep throwing their rubbish in the ocean then a lot of fish and  sea creatures are going to die and then there won’t be anymore sea creatures.

People won’t be able to go fishing or catch any fish anymore. 

So that’s why you should never throw rubbish in the ocean.

Ocean’s are important because there are a lot of fish, sea creatures and sea animals.

Families can go for a swim and go for boat rides as well and we have wonderful oceans and beaches. We need to take better care of them.

World Ocean day is on the 8 June and on the 8 of June people come to the beach or sea and get as much rubbish and plastic out of the oceans 

Read my comic to find out more facts so you can make a difference

World Ocean Day Comic